Expansion Joints

Caulking for Internal & External Expansion Joints

Why Caulking Expansion Joints is the Best Option

Caulking expansion joints are an excellent option for keeping the joints between your render crack free. It is also the best option to take before painting your expansion joints. Going with a process such as rendering your exterior or interior walls, caulking your expansion joints, and then painting will give you a flawless finish and provide that added security from water damage. Caulking around window frames, doors, and other edges can be difficult, which is why getting help from A1 Silicone will mean your caulking is completed to the highest degree. 

Edges around expansion joints can become damaged and allow water to run through your structure, which nobody wants. Sealing those joints and seams with caulk will keep your property safe from weather damage and bolster the overall waterproofing of your property. Caulking expansion joints will also move with your home as it expands and retracts, and stays flexible for the long term.

Call A1 Silicone today on 0437 167 137 to get your free quote!

Face Brick Caulking

If you have a face brick exterior, caulking can be a great solution to your sealant needs. We will apply expansion joints to the render to prevent any cracks and breakages from appearing. Our sealant will stop any leakages from moisture that could damage your property and will allow movement as your property expands and retracts during the winter and summer months. 

Our Caulking Process for Expansion Joints

Our caulking process for expansion joints is simple and will be done without any disruptions to your day. Our expert team will be able to caulk the joints around your render with a polyurethane application that is perfect for rendered surfaces. This will prevent any cracks from appearing in your expansion joints that would be caused by weather damage and will seal all entry points around your home that could allow access to moisture and pests. 

Caulk Your Expansion Joints Today!

Contact us today to get your render caulked by an industry-leading service!

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